eClassic Books Available on EBSCO

List of eClassic Books available on EBSCO 
Enjoy Reading !!
  1. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
  2. The Invisible Man
  3. Common Sense
  4. Paradise Lost
  5. Daisy Miller
  6. Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass
  7. A Tale of Two Cities
  8. The Red Badge of Courage
  9. Heart of Darkness
  10. Up from Slavery
  11. On Liberty
  12. An Occurrence of Owl Creek Bridge
  13. The Jungle
  14. Anthem
  15. The Republic 
  16. Great Expectations
  17. The Complete Poetic Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  18. Pride & Prejudice
  19. The Call of the Wild
  20. Leaves of Grass
  21. Moby Dick
  22. The last of the Mohicans
  23. The Adventures of Huckleburry Finn (Tom Sawyer's Comrade)
  24. The Scarlet Letter
  25. Wuthering Heights